Sunday, August 22

House Music, Vogue and another side of tha Black American experience

was at a film showing today that was hosted by a dance group in stockholm called P*Fect check:

to be totally honest. sometimes when i'm watching tv and i see some homesexual behavior i look away or change tha channel. but i do not consider myself homophobic. i think that probably some homosexuals just irritate me or something (i usually like bi-sexual woman though), just like many rappers irritate me.

anyway at tha movienight i was suprised to find myself very much enjoying  two films containing almost exclusively gay men.

crazy educational and entertaining. check these films out if you can find them

Paris is Burning


How do i look.


Monday, August 9

Past Work/Dues Payed

here you have 2 lps and 2 eps by me that were sold in CD format. for a little bit more info on them check and scroll down in my (myspace) blog to the Discography post.

i done
about as much recording on cassett tape prior to these cds. but due to an unstable life style i am not even sure where those tapes are.

anyway. download as you please.

in the next post i will be walking around the crowd with my hat out asking loose change. if you have any.

 JAH Rhythm - Seven Circles (2004).zip

JAH Rhythm - Patchwork (2004).zip

JAH Rhythm - Retarded Genius (2003).zip

JAH Rhythm and Johnny Bass- Path-A-Logik (2002).zip

Wednesday, August 4

Life is a Battle for those who Fight

the title sounds more poetic in swedish,

Livit är en kamp för de som kämpar

Life is a Martial Art, What Style do you practice? MMA is popular these days. Bruce Lee would be proud. correct me if i am wrong but Bruce Lee is the father of Mixed Martial Arts. his base was Kung Fu, but he is well known for having blended styles and creating hybrids of techniques and he had a philosophy of doing whatever works and/or is most efficient.

 i do mostly Aikido, Judo and Brazilian Jujitsu, but i've been known for some Hapkido and Kendo as well. despite my size, i prefer to rely on technique 

Sometimes i wonder what would happen if i was to go into a state of total Mental relaxation and maintain it for a long of time i believe this is what buddhism points


I'm gonna dip into tha Dharma and see what i think.

i read the book below some years ago. i can definitely recommend it for anyone. it is very easy to understand and completely nonconfrontational towards the religiously adverse.

Freestyle - the art of living

everyone is misunderstood, you are lucky if you have one or two people in your life that really know you.
in the end only GOD can judge you.
you shouldn't even be judgmental of yourself. just try to be the best you can. just be yourself

in the kulture of Hip Hop the art of Emceeing has many degrees, one degree is called Freestyle.
Freestyling (as a form of rap) is comonly considered to be the art of improvisational and spontaneous rhythmic speech, rapping/rhyming. specifically, rhythmic spoken poems that are thought of as they are being performed.

in the early days of Rap, a Freestyle was commonly a "written" rhyme that no one had heard before, performed in a live format. that is to say not previously recorded or intended as part of a structured song.

i would like to suggest that both of these defiinitions of Freestyle rapping are a metaphor for the Life of a Free Person. think about it.

You are the only one that is you. everyone must break tha mold and Make It Up As They Go Along.

another thought is this. If you do not Run Your Life it will be run For You. Steer your Ship. if you do not, then the winds and currents will decide your destiny. or you someone else will simply take over the Rudder.
But even if you choose to not be in charge of your own life, you have still made a choice. we are all held responsible for our own lives.

below is some recomended listening.

Misunderstood - Nina Simone

Be Yourself - Audioslave

the above insight is for everyone.

like me, some of you consider yourself to be Hip Hop.
below is a book about the art of Self-Creation specifically directed at Hiphoppas.

Tuesday, August 3

Discover Labtekwon

Here is a link to 8 videos from the new album

if you like real Hip Hop and/or intricate poetry over funky music, you will not be dissapointed

below is one of his other classics.