Thursday, September 29

My Inner Child Knows Everything

Your highest wisdom is wrapped up in your Innocence. as i write this i am reminded of a show i was fond of as a child, Mork & Mindy.

It was about an easygoing alien (Mork) who was sent to earth and became roomates with a girl (Mindy) who tried to help him get accustomed to earth.

one part of the show that i did not understand was that Orkans (morks race) aged backwards. they were born in adult bodies and the became shorter and younger looking as they aged. i just realized the possible thought process behind this part of the story line. 

When we get old enough we will realize tha truth of the first sentence in this post. Youthfulness is next to Godliness.

Wednesday, September 28

Using the word "Elite" to describe something or someone separate from you is a denial of your True Potential and Higher Self #Redefinition

Thursday, September 15

Every One Loves a Good Challenge. Not Everyone is Presently Aware of All the Challenges They Have Chosen

Endarkenment/Enlightenment = the Alternating Current that Creates Motion / Vibration

Our "Flaws" Exist To Reveal Our Perfection.

Why do We Regularly Anger, Frustrate, Sadden, and Disappoint each other and Ourselves.

Darkness Reveals Light and Light exposes Darkness.

basically we are teaching ourselves to improve in the areas of Patience, Understanding and Love / Charity. 

And / Or, depending on how you choose to see it, we are reminding ourselves of our infinite capacity for Patience, Understanding and Love / Charity.

Be Patient With, Understand and Love Yourself. "There are no mistakes. Only choices that we do not yet understand." - Kalik Scientific

Everything is Here & Now. Be Love