Tuesday, July 20

the Album is Done.

3 years in tha making. the new A.M. & JAH Rhythm album is completely mixed and Mastered and ready for Manufacture and Digital Distribution.

JAH Rhythm is in the Process of applying for a Loan to set it all in motion. but i we have to wait until my advisor gets back from vacation in the beginning of august to properly set that process in motion.

A.M. is about to play the album to a wealthy and influential record producer in hopes that he would like to help us some more. he has already donated some technical support for the album to be finished.

if any of you readers would like to help with your time, money, or promotional skills, you are more than welcome.

at the very least you may want to spread tha word to help us build some hype.

if you go here: www.myspace.com/amjahrhythm , you can hear an old snippet version of some of the tracks before they were mixed.

our first video for the album

below is one of the songs from the album that is featured on a compilation album for b-boys/b-girls that was released in china

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