Friday, December 16

Thoughts On Swedish Society / Social Experiment in Population Control

I moved to Sweden from the U.S.A in October '97. my first priority was to learn the swedish language and then get a job. since it was mostly up to me and my efforts, i speak fluent swedish. the getting a job thing didn't go as well. but that's not just because i'm an immigrant. it's also because i have a sense of morals that are hard to reconcile with most jobs in the current economic structure (but that's another story).

anyway i used to collect "social bidrag" (welfare) for a few years, and my early trips to the social service offices got me thinking and asking questions. i was told by swedes that the swede's on welfare used to live very well, sometimes even better than people that worked. by the time i got here, welfare had been reduced to a level where the recipient can barely afford to live, according to swedish standards of living.  however it was still quite possible to get welfare for most who asked for help. now in 2011 it is much harder for people to get help and the homeless population along with child poverty due to poor families is increasing.

in 97 i predicted that the swedish government would follow the U.S. pattern of cutting back on social services and that the poor population would increase and be increasingly stuck in poverty. this is now happening. i predicted this based on information about the increasing influx if refugees and immigrants.
i did not think that people born in other countries are a problem for sweden on a pure logistics level. in the 60's and 70's, sweden asked and invited people from other countries to move here in the because they didn't have enough workers. But most of these foreign Workers blended in adopted and adapted to swedish culture.

But in the 1990's Sweden had a mostly homogenous (at least in appearance and feel) population up until the mass influx of refugees from the former Yugoslavia due to the war. at this point the welfare system began to change and become less generous. this i thought was due to Swedish born citizens being less willing to share their wealth with people that they did not relate to or feel any brotherhood/sisterhood with. as refugees continued to poor in to this country now also from african and middle eastern countries as well, i figure that the People of sweden would start to feel less and less generous.

my supposition is somewhat true of some swedes. but in effect swedish attitudes and immigration is in itself actually not the cause of the current increase in poverty and lack of social services in sweden.

i believe that no "first world" governments are actually run by democracy. i believe that all the governments of the wealthiest countries in the world are in fact secretly run as dictatorships through sophisticated manipulation of consciousness and thought, by a cartel of international bankers, corporations, and top level secret society members (gangsters). this post is not to debate the last sentence. it is taken as truth by those that this post is intended for. if you don't agree than you should probably stop reading here and go update your knowledge of world history and current events.

i have not researched this next claim thoroughly (probably some of you still reading have). i seem to remember hearing or reading somewhere that Sweden and Canada (which has a similar welfare system) are social experiments orchestrated by the illuminati. since i have heard this i have kind of been wondering why these too areas where picked for this experiment and what this experiment was supposed to accomplish. the experiment being, that everyone in these two countries has been guaranteed a relatively high standard of living during a period time (this time is over, at least in sweden).

i thought why would "the powers that be" do this when they control most of the rest of the world through fear, poverty and competition. then i remembered a thought i myself had at another time.

"those who do not have any problems do not ask any questions."

so this morning i realized that the decline in social services in this country are not due to the shifting attitudes of swedes away from "Social Democracy". swedes like americans and other world citizens are actually under mass mind control of illuminati controlled schools and media, and businesses. so how they have of course not decided to make the shift away from social service. the shift in swedish consciousness is of course do to a shift in direction of the plan for Sweden.

Here's my current theory:

because of the influx of people from other countries who have been under a different type of mind control based on trauma, the mix of trauma based mental states along with a new level/standard of comfortable living would result in a mixing of ideas and a new level of question asking and awareness.
question asking and protest is usually best carried out by within a mix of the privileged and the financially poor and usually by people that themselves are somewhere in between.

of course swedes during their most "equality" based era of existence were also control by fear (and false pride). this fear was based on the suffering of people in other countries and a total ignorance about the 'causes of this suffering.

also last night (this is very interesting) i watched a documentary that claimed the Vikings to be decended of Hebrew/Egyptian Royalty i.e. Joseph and Moses and the hebrew tribe of Dan. this is very interesting because it draws up many other questions. one being where do the different shades of skin color come from and when where  and wow did these changes come about. why are modern "Jews" and Zionists" a very lite brown ("white/caucasion") instead of a darker brown (middle eastern and african)? i have always assumed that the jews mentioned in the bible were of a dark complexion based on the locations of the stories taking place.

now i'm off to research the reason for differences in skin pigmentation.

P.S. usually i am very confident in what i write. but this post feels very incomplete and questionable in several areas to myself. so i would love to have input and even correction from those who have somekind of check on world and swedish events. its just a sudden reflection that i want to discuss.

Saturday, December 10

U-N-I together equals 1 (thoughts on racism, and anti-racism)

Today in Stockholm Nazies and Anti-Nazi's will be marching en mass through the streets.
here are some of my thoughts that these events inspire me to share:

First, according to our current understanding of history and science, here are a few Facts.

1. The Family Tree of Every Human on Earth has it's Root(s) in the continent Commonly known as Afrika...
the three major world religions and the "story of creation" also agree with evolution in terms of Geographical Location of the Original Human(s)

2. All Human Skin (except albino) is actually a shade of brown depending on melanin content. (ask anyone who works with paints and pigments)
just think about it for awhile. what do words like Black and White really have to do with the reality of Human Color. Where, When and WHY did these Words come into Use as a description of  Human Beings?

3. With DNA alone a persons "Race" Cannot be identified (circa 1999-2000) (this is view is currently in flux). there are some nuances to this one. and also some new evidence and debates about this. research it if you like.

4. The Financial Wealth of Western Europe and Northern America is Mostly if not Entirely Due to The Colonization, Enslavement and Murder of "Indigenous" people around the world. and the Continued Theft of The Natural Resources of the Lands of "Indigenous" people.
this makes it kind of hard for Western Europeans and North American's to rightfully complain about immigrants on any level.  if it wasn't for said "acts of war",  europeans  might still be a mostly Nomadic (read migrating-immigrants)  people struggling for Basic Survival. at some point most or all of us  come from immigrants.

i do not write this to point blame or foster guilt, simply to dispel illusions of entitlement.

The 4th point also does not bring any conclusions about morality based on a persons shade of skin. History Shows that "Asian" and "Afrika" have also had their periods of "World Domination at all Costs"

so now that everyone has had their turn at Tyranny, maybe it's time for a New Social Paradigm.

Okay, there you have some Key Arguments To Counter Any Racist Nonsense With if You Like. But what about Real Solutions? We need some serious Humble Understanding and Ego Checking.

Can Hate ever Be overcome by Hate? in other words. is Calling Nazi's "stupid" and telling them they are not wanted, going to help them to see the errors in their thinking? they already feel alienated. that's why they are marching in the first place.

I propose to all "Anti-Racists", no matter which group or groups (black, white, inbetween, other) you would commonly be identified with, Here are some More Result Oriented (as opposed to Reactionary) ideas to think about.

I do not believe that people are inherently Evil Or Good. i believe that all people want and need the same basic things:
Spiritually, We want to feel Loved and Socially Accepted, and We want to Feel like we have A Purpose or a Meaning to our Personal Existence.
Physically, We want to Eat, Drink, Stay Warm and Dry (most of the time).  Be Comfortable and Feel Secure in our Ability to Maintain or Increase our current States of Comfort.

all Negative Aggression (applies to every and anyone) comes down to previous Mistreatment and/or Mis-Education.
if you agree with this statement. Then what is the Solution to Racism and Inequality?

Indeed the Only Longterm Effective Way to End Racism and Inequality is to Treat Both "Racists (outspoken or not) and "victims" of Racism with Love and Understanding and Gently Guide them to More Enlightened States of Mind.

Me for Example. if i was really worried about Nazi's (which i'm not), i would Invite one or some to my house for Dinner and Friendly Discussion. or i would use some other act of "good will" to invite an open and friendly discussion.

Me for Example. if i was really Concerned about the Well-Being of All People (which i am), i would not waste time "Protesting" those who i perceive to be the "enemy" or "abusers". I would instead do something much more effective. Be Kind and Helpful to everyone  as much as your Personal Development and Energies Allow.

Society is currently Structurally Based on Competition,  which takin' to an extreme, which it inevitable must be if  not reversed, ends in War, Theft, Death, and Destruction. We can Simply Share instead, there is more than enough of everything we humans need to go around several times.

in closing, if you really want to strike a blow against injustice and inequality, Help a Brother (Me) Get a Good Job!
i am not afraid to say that i will not appreciate any job offers or help to get any work that does not Agree with my Obvious High Level of intelligence and Moral Sensibilities.
Unless of Course you can honestly not help me to something better and you still want to help. Get At Me...

or buy my cd's or mp3's or something. i just want a way to comfortably provide for myself and my kids like everyone one else. and preferable with a Clean Conscious (whew, that's the real challenge).

May Whatever God You Believe in Bring you Peace an Blessings.


Ps. one more thing, this one Fact really deserves a post of its own. Racism is really just a Divide and conquer scheme. even the fight between "racists" and "anti-racists" is a divide and conquer scheme. research that. but whatever you find out,
don't bother getting or staying mad. just get over it and set about healing yourselves and your communities with love and and understanding.

Thursday, September 29

My Inner Child Knows Everything

Your highest wisdom is wrapped up in your Innocence. as i write this i am reminded of a show i was fond of as a child, Mork & Mindy.

It was about an easygoing alien (Mork) who was sent to earth and became roomates with a girl (Mindy) who tried to help him get accustomed to earth.

one part of the show that i did not understand was that Orkans (morks race) aged backwards. they were born in adult bodies and the became shorter and younger looking as they aged. i just realized the possible thought process behind this part of the story line. 

When we get old enough we will realize tha truth of the first sentence in this post. Youthfulness is next to Godliness.

Thursday, September 15

Every One Loves a Good Challenge. Not Everyone is Presently Aware of All the Challenges They Have Chosen

Endarkenment/Enlightenment = the Alternating Current that Creates Motion / Vibration

Our "Flaws" Exist To Reveal Our Perfection.

Why do We Regularly Anger, Frustrate, Sadden, and Disappoint each other and Ourselves.

Darkness Reveals Light and Light exposes Darkness.

basically we are teaching ourselves to improve in the areas of Patience, Understanding and Love / Charity. 

And / Or, depending on how you choose to see it, we are reminding ourselves of our infinite capacity for Patience, Understanding and Love / Charity.

Be Patient With, Understand and Love Yourself. "There are no mistakes. Only choices that we do not yet understand." - Kalik Scientific

Everything is Here & Now. Be Love

Monday, June 20

Everything Is A Question of Perception:

"A very old Chinese Taoist story describes a farmer in a poor country village.

He was considered very well-to-do, because he owned a horse which he used for plowing and for transportation. 
One day his horse ran away. 
All his neighbors exclaimed how terrible this was, but the farmer simply said ‘Maybe’. 

"A few days later the horse returned and brought two wild horses with it.
The neighbors all rejoiced at his good fortune, but the farmer just said ‘Maybe’.

"The next day the farmer’s son tried to ride one of the wild horses; the horse threw him and broke the leg.
The neighbors all offered their sympathy for his misfortune, but the farmer again said ‘Maybe’.

The next week the conscription officers came to the village to take young men for the army. They rejected the farmer’s son because of his broken leg. When the neighbors told him how lucky he was, the farmer replied, ‘Maybe’."

Friday, May 6

Rapid Thoughts on Music, Time Spaces, Colour Codes, Knowledge

Hip Hop is An Aging Kulture. in other words, no one can be too old for Hip Hop unless they were Alive Previously to or ignorant of the Forming of the Kulture. Those of us who grew Up With and still Respect the Foundations of (The Original) Hip Hop Kulture can never be too old or even outdated.

A person Can however Be too Young for Hip Hop. in the same way that a person who predates Hip Hop Kulture can be too old. The Youth Kulture of the Day is Pop.

That said, Your Age is Little to No Indication of How Hiphop you are. Your Claim to Hip Hop is Based On your Knowledge of it and the Level of Respect you Hold for the Ones by Which that Knowledge Came to You.
for a Young Person Today to be Down With Hip Hop, they must be willing to study tha Past and Learn from their Elders. It Is Not Possible to ONLY Have Knowledge of Todays Rappers and Be Down With Hip Hop. in that case you are a Rap Fan Only. Not a Hiphoppa.
note: there are many old Rap Fans as well. many rap fans never matured into Hiphoppas

Hip Hop is has and may Always be an Underground Movement/Sub Culture because Hip Hop takes a strong stance, and A Majority of People have never in earths History taken the same strong stance together on anything.

Rap is Mainstream, Hip Hop is not.

The Foundations of Hip Hop as We (Those who were/are there) Know it, Happened in a Certain Space and time. to Truly Represent Hip Hop, one must have lived in that space and time and also currently have respect for what took up that space and time.

Note: Everything is Now. so to live in a Certain Space And Time, you must simply be Focused on that space and time.

As far as "black music" goes...

Hip Hop is a Black Kulture if one sees Black as a mindstate.  The Black mindstate being that of the oppressed but determined to rise personality.

In the Beginning of Hip Hop Kulture, Rap was closely related to Black/Hiphop Kulture and was indeed a Part of Hiphip/Black Kulture. Rap is still Such. but Rap is also Now Anything But Hiphop/Black. It Depends On Which Rap you are listening to.

Because of KRS-One -The first one to say it and explain the statement- it is now popular to make the statement, "I Am Hip Hop". Any One is free to make this claim. the catch is, in the tradition of Hip Hop, One should expect to be tested on any claims they make. When Tested one must be able to "Show and Prove" on a consistant basis among the previously established holders of that claim. The Funny Thing is That You now have people who Claim to Be Hip Hop and Who also disrespect KRS-One at the same time. if you don't know where your words and style originated. than you look like an idiot to people that do know. Contrary to what the media would have you beleive, There Are still Alot of Us That KNOW, And not only that, We Have Children That have-been/are-being Taught by US

Hip Hop has Always Been made up of at least 9 elements. previously only 4 or 5 where recognized at One Time. The Most Important and Most Overlooked Element of these Nine is KNOWLEDGE, without Knowledge One can not practice anything at all with any degree of skill. That includes the other 8 or more elements of Hip Hop Kulture Including Emceeing/Rap.

If you do not KNOW what you are doing, you are NOT Doing Tha Thing, You Are Abusing Tha Thing That you Claim to be Doing. (Paraphrasing Buckshot)

It Is A Permanent LAW of Nature and Supernature (Supernature is Nature that has yet to be under and overstood and/or excepted by mainstream concepts of nature) That Abuse Will Always Be Corrected. 

A Young Practioner or Fan of Jazz has ultimate Respect for the original Jazz musicians

the Same with Blues, Gospel, Classical, pretty much all styles of music except for Rap. because of this many young and even lost Old Rappers are making only Rap Music while many people mistakenly believe them to be Making Hip Hop music.

A Similiar thing Happened To Rock n Roll Music, But over a much shorter time period and with verying nuances. This is due i believe  to the limited (compared to Hip Hop kultures Time and Space) flow of information between People.

As Usual i didn't Write Everything that was/is in my head when i was prompted to write this. But We have Come to the point Where i Feel you The Reader may Start Feeling Fatigued. so My Thoughts Will Be Continued and possibly Revised and/or expanded upon in the Comment Section if Any One Cares To Commnet and/or Turn this into a Dialouge or Polougue


Check out my latest Work on Google by Searching for "A.M. & JAH Rhythm"

Friday, March 25

Voice Of The Streets

This post could have many titles. "Tha Hate that Love Wrought", "How About Some Hardcore", "Tha Rawness", etc.
I chose the title i did because that's what Johnny Bass is in Sweden. If you wanna know what A Hardcore Hiphoppa in sweden is thinking. all you have to do is pick up one of any number of albums that Johnny Bass has recorded over the years. You will probably have to contact Johnny Bass himself since he is extremely independet.

Bass is not the most technical rapper, but he is definitely one of the most Honest, and most dedicated to Keeping Shit Real. Not in some cliché type of manner. but real 4 real. Bass writes his rhymes with one thing in mind. To bring you the Truth as he sees it. Johnny is the type of person that i make my own music for. The One's that you don't see online on internet forums. the one in the streets tagging up everything like the world is their canvas. The One who still appreciates all the elements of Hip Hop.
Many times when i write my own rhymes i think about if Johnny Bass will feel it or not. That's one of the ways i keep myself from slippin'.

Johnny is one of the first Hiphoppers i met when i moved to Sweden about almost 14 years ago. He was Hardcore then. and He is even more Hardcore now. It Doesn't get any more Underground and Raw than Johnny Bass and Oneteron's New and only completed project (even though they have worked together on and off for the past 16 years.

Oneteron his a Dedicated Boom Bap Loyalist. He still spends most of his pay check on vinyl records to check for samples. At one time he was known to have about 7 samplers. All He does is Drink Coffee and Make Beats, and practice His Scratches and Cuts. All he cares about in this world is the sound of the Kick tha Snare, and the Hi-hat.
Oneteron is such a perfectionist that it is a little to his detriment since he very rarely gives out a project. Oneteron has been making beats about as long as Embee from Looptroop. He has probly made just as many if not more beats than Embee. but only a privledged few who know Oneteron well enough to hang out at his crib while he does what he does ever get to hear those beats, until now.

I'm writing this quickly on my lunch break so it's not as perfect an article as i would like it to be. i'm just typing from the top of my head.

If you know Johnny Bass and/or Oneteron or i have convinced you that you should know about them. then you can download the new album below.

It's Called "War In Your Own Backyard and features a guest appearance from an old friend to Johnny and a swedish emcee that i have alot of respect for, AKEM. There is also a Guest Appearance by Braille Brizzy, neither of these two guests need an introduction if you got your ear to the streets. but if your fresh in the game or only on the surface you might have to google.
okay that's it for now.

Download and enjoy tha raw energy. btw. the download also includes cover art and tracklisting. also don't get confused when you only get one track. the album is delivered as one long mix.

Tuesday, March 8

Release Party for A.M. & JAH Rhythm + Eye N I & Jeppe Körsbär + Penga Per

Brainstorm Pt. 1 presenterar..



21-01 / 20år / GRATIS
OBS!! NY LOKAL!! SUGARBAR på Kammakargatan!
Vi gillar Nada men det va för litet för oss och hade ingen möjlighet till bra ljud för live artister! Dessutom stördes grannar av allt tjo och tjimm utanför :) Vi fick detta besked sent men vi har fixat ett substitut som dessutom har scen, vinylspelare och inga grannar!


8 Mars

Pappa Peez & Grass gästas denna tisdag av EYE n I & JEPPE KÖRSBÄR




Vi börjar kvällen kl 21 med Releasefest för A.M. & JAH Rhythm som är aktuella med debutalbumet NOW! A.M. kommer spela den typ av Hip Hop som han och JAH är influerade av. Det kommer också bli spontan Rap från JAH Rhythm när andan faller på .

Signerade exemplar av "NOW!" kommer att säljas på plats till kompispriset 100kr.

Thursday, March 3

The Fighter - Rocky meets Jerry Springer

Brilliant Film. Marky Mark has never dissapointed me as an actor, and he delivers an incredible performance this time as well. He seems to be very good at picking roles that suit him perfectly. Christian Bale is just as impressive as an actor if not more. His version of Batman is my favorite, and in this film he definitely proved his versatility.

i'm gonna keep this short and to the point.

the story takes place in a town called Lowell. It is about 2 boxers. One is a former promising middle-weight  who is addicted to crack but imagines that he is going to make a comeback. The other main character is the Younger brother who is on a losing streak and looking to turn his luck around. but it proves to be very difficult with a crack addicted brother as his trainer and an attention hungry mother as his manager.
it's a true hollywood underdog trying to make his way to the top story with lots of tension and drama, but a bit more comedy than usual.

This film will have you laughing and crying at the same time, litterally u might feel a little schizophrenic emotionally, but it's cool.
the cinematography is great. creative camera work that keeps you right in the middle of the action.

Believability: Mark is in amazing shape for this film. I have not heard about Micky Ward before. so i do not know his fighting style. but i can say that in this film Mark does not punch like a boxer, he punches like a street brawler in a bar fight. but maybe that was the Real Micky's style as well. other than that. no complaints at all.

Premiers in Swedish theaters on the 11th of March.