Thursday, March 3

The Fighter - Rocky meets Jerry Springer

Brilliant Film. Marky Mark has never dissapointed me as an actor, and he delivers an incredible performance this time as well. He seems to be very good at picking roles that suit him perfectly. Christian Bale is just as impressive as an actor if not more. His version of Batman is my favorite, and in this film he definitely proved his versatility.

i'm gonna keep this short and to the point.

the story takes place in a town called Lowell. It is about 2 boxers. One is a former promising middle-weight  who is addicted to crack but imagines that he is going to make a comeback. The other main character is the Younger brother who is on a losing streak and looking to turn his luck around. but it proves to be very difficult with a crack addicted brother as his trainer and an attention hungry mother as his manager.
it's a true hollywood underdog trying to make his way to the top story with lots of tension and drama, but a bit more comedy than usual.

This film will have you laughing and crying at the same time, litterally u might feel a little schizophrenic emotionally, but it's cool.
the cinematography is great. creative camera work that keeps you right in the middle of the action.

Believability: Mark is in amazing shape for this film. I have not heard about Micky Ward before. so i do not know his fighting style. but i can say that in this film Mark does not punch like a boxer, he punches like a street brawler in a bar fight. but maybe that was the Real Micky's style as well. other than that. no complaints at all.

Premiers in Swedish theaters on the 11th of March.

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