Monday, August 20

a Short Auto Biography of Myself

Peaze to all in the Room

I was Born In Denver Co, 1972, Sep. 7, my mother Was a 7th Day Adventist and and so i went mostly to their schools and attended Church on Saturdays as a youth. my mother left my father when i was 9 and moved us to the Middle East (DC, MD, VA), where we moved around a lot. until my mother passed when i was 17. in my early 20's after some serious car accidents, thoughts of suicide, and careless behavior in general. i thought it a miracle that i was still alive and in one piece and started attending Church on my own and claimed my mothers religion as my own.

Between the SDA version of Christianity and Conscious Rap music and Personal Experience i have a Strong Spiritual Background and base. However when people ask me what my religion is now, i tell them "Quantum Mechanics". I have always been a Truth Seeker (never lost my youthful curiosity or inquisitive nature or my humble nature.). but i now see myself as a Truth Creator.

I used to be a conspiracy theorist, (still am to a small degree but i focus much less on those things than i used to). i credit Seventh Day Adventism, My Mom, (who told me Christmas was fake and how babies were made when i was a small child) Public Enemy and BDP with Giving me the Habit of Critically Analysing and questioning everything in society,
the SDA religion is Based mostly on exposing the Catholic Conspiracy. but i now believe it to be an intricate part of that same conspiracy (my own thoughts). i read more than many and much less than some. some books i have read:
"the great Controversy" by E.G. White,
Illuminati 666, the introduction to the Koran and a few Surahs thereafter. most of the Old Testament and all of the New Testament -King James Version, How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, 
KRS-One's joints as mentioned below, a couple Books about the Music Industry, i used to regularly flip through the Dictionary and the Thesaurus (mostly in my first several years of writing Hip Hop Poetry aka Rap). as a kid i enjoyed a series of books about a mischievous adolescent genius called "The Great Brain". i also very much enjoyed books with alternative story lines, where i was given a chance to choose what decision the character would make from time to time.
i should have Read Think and Grow Rich when i ran came across it among my brothers things many years ago. but i am currently about to listen to the audio version on Spotify right after i finish listening to "Tha Laws of Success", also written by Napaloen Hill previous to Think and Grow Rich.
I have also listented To "the Science of Getting Rich" By Wallace D. Wattles.

i discovered Rap in Denver in ´79 when one of my older brothers brought home a certain Record by Suger Hill with very Colorful Cover Art. i made him play it all the time, lots of nagging on my part, but i didn't care who was rapping i just liked the song(s).

Later when i heard "The Message" and "New York New York" I decided that Melle Mel was my Favorite Rapper. for a short Period of Time (the duration of time that he was regularly played on the radio) i was also rather impressed by Kurtis Blow.

after Kurtis Blow Faded from the Limelight and other rappers came into it. i was again just generally impressed with Rap and Now Hip Hop as a Kulture. i didn't have a "favorite Rapper again until i heard "Raw" by Big Daddy Kane, then a year (or so) later i heard "My philosophy" on "By All Means Necessary" -BDP.

i didn't really see myself as a Hip Hopper. i was a Bmxer and then a Skater (skateboarder) after my Redline (bike) got stolen. i was basically just a kid that liked to have fun in my own way and sometimes get into a little mischief with my friends. I was just a Fan of Hip Hop Kulture and Rap Music for most of my early youth and teens. even though i tried to Break a little when i was around 12 or so. i wasn't very good at it. i guess i didnt practice or try hard enough..

never the less me and a few friends had a brief period of carrying around a "Boom Box" and a rolled up Piece of Lanoleum. we also watched Breakin 1 and 2 and especially Beat Street Countless times. at school when i was in 5th grade we used to have Breakin, and Boogaloo Battles at school picnics and during Recess.

one of us at this time was a prolific Writer, and i was very proud of being acquainted with him because of it. he was also a DJ, he used to make us mixtapes he was a couple years older (14).

i started Rapping at Age 19 as i foresaw the Terrible Decline in the Quality of Mainstream Rap that in my opinion had already started even as i was bobbing my head to Low End Theory (Tribe...), Ghetto Music: The Blueprint of Hip Hop (BDP), and the Like… Poor Righteous Teachers etc...
i partly felt that i was outgrowing the current Rappers. i was looking for more and i knew that the industry would soon be giving me much less.

i needed something to focus my future on and couldn't think of anything that seemed worthy of investing time and serious effort in other than learning how to Rap and Emcee. Plus i was convinced at that time that if i was to be able to Continue to enjoy Rap Music in the Future i would have to Make it Myself. and indeed i have since then been pumping my own music in my headphones for countless hours on end. but one thing i did not forsee and found to be a pleasant surprise was the rise of the independent music scene. so i still have many others to listen too besides myself. plus like any true student of Hip Hop i have widely expanded my musical diet well beyond Rap Music.

when i decided to start Rapping i Began consciously studying the style of Big Daddy Kane to try and understand exactly what he was doing that continually got my attention. KRS was more like someone that i just absorbed into my system and continually promoted to my friends as the Best... and if not the most significant Emcee to the Kultur, from then to this day. (i just remembered that "The Teacha" is in here -maybe-, Big Up Kris and thanks for all the lessons)

tha last Ice Cube Album i listened to all the way through was probably Americas Most Wanted or maybe Lethal Injection. but i Credit his song on the Boys in the Hood Soundtrack "How To Survive in South Central", with saving my life on numerous Occations. tha Lessons on how to deal with Cops and Shady Women really Came to Good Use. I've never Been beaten or shot by at by a cop (handuffed once or twice, for simply existing at the wrong place or time) despite numerous erroneous stops and questionings and even having the FBI Draw their Guns On Me and my friend just for having Maryland Tags while in NJ. (the DC area was well known for Drug export at this time.)

and i'm very sure that i avoided getting Set Up for a "Jack move" several times by Certain Women that i came across.

fast forward to the Now. in 96 i met a Chilean Girl that was adopted and raised by Swedes. i unintentionally got her pregnant and decided to Be a Dad and followed her back here to Sweden in '97, at the age of 24. We have 2 daughters together now 14 and 12.

the past 15 years has been a very intense for me learning what its like to be an Immigrant which was even harder than being "black" in America (in my experience). i have also been learning the hard way what it is to be a Man and a Father. but i keep pushing on to do better,. I am Currently Once Divorced with 4 Children by 3 Different Women, all in Sweden. actually my whole life has been very Intense, largely due to me being me. "Where ever you go, there you are"

after the failure of my short relationship with the mother of my only son who is now 4, i had planned to stay singel for awhile and commit myself to the study of Male, Female Relations.

after being single for only about a year, a strange set of events brought me and my Currnet Partner Together. she was adopted by Swedes with her twin sister from Ethiopa when they were about 2. we have been together for about 3 years and have an amazing 2 year old Daughter together. We are currently Getting along quite well.

during one winter when i was staying at a shelter for homeless men in stockholm for a few weeks my sons mom gave me the book "the Secret" i already had some thoughts in this direction due largely to being a fan of KRS and having read Ruminations and also Personal Experience, but after reading that book almost 4 years ago i begin to rapidly attract more information on the Law of Attraction, "The Gospel Of Hip Hop" among other things.

me and Becki my Currnent partner have both read 3 books by Abraham-Hicks and are continually watching Youtube Videos featuring Abraham.

I consider myself to have a Highly Developed Faith in my own Intuition and i Trust it to lead me me correctly. always have.

"everybody wanna give advice and tell you what's real, but nobody knows, so i just do what i feel" a lyric by me from a around 2002.

to date, being an Emcee has cost me more money than it has made me. but it has payed me in countless other ways due to the fact that i never compromise my art.

i am currently a Zulu Nation Prospect, Big Up to Brother Minister Life 9. who will send in my application for my UZN i.d. as soon as i complete my Infinity Plus Lesson that i am Writing about "the power of Forgiving"

i sense that i have written enough this time around. so i will close with my self descriptions from FB and Twitter.

from fb:
i take in what i can, and i give what i can, in what ever way i can. each one teach one.

from twitter:
philosopher, emcee, time traveler, inspirational speaker

Peace In, Peace Out

Givein Name: James Arthur Hall

Spiritual Name: Ahki Jah Rhythm One

Thursday, August 2

How To Live Fully. aka Get Your Flow On

"Bike Messengers Are On Crack"

You might Die in the process of Learning to Flow . but most likely not. and either way you will make the most of your Life while it lasts. Life is uncertain anyway. but taking charge will actually make your life more certain (safer) than those who always "play it safe" (they are fooling themselves just ask all the people who's pension gets cut short and are living a minimal existence after a long life of "doing what they were told was the best way to get along).
my Philosophy is:
 If you want to get across the street safely, don't put all your faith in the traffic light, Watch for The Actual Motor Vehicles. and if the walking light is Red but their are no cars in sight. don't waste your time standing on the curb. #TrustYourSenses Over Any One Else's Rules. (period)

I was a Bike messenger in Washington D.C. for about 2 years in the mid 90's. i was scared at first and very cautious. but it was my goal to ride like those in the video above. and after about 6 months to a year, i did. i was pretty close to that level even after 3 months.

my second year of being a messenger was pure bliss, and well worth the risks

life is full of obstacles, Traffic, stop signs, stop lights... these are like our Fears and Challenges and "Rules" made by others. Be Courages and set your mind to overcome all such things. Eventually and in a surprisingly short amount of time you will find your self moving almost effortlessly through every challenge. and even finding Delight and Exhilaration in every "obstacle" that you encounter.

Sometimes these obstacles will force you to "suddenly" change your course. but you will not mind because, "Change is the surest thing to bring you Joy and Excitement". Change is the best cure for Boredom and Apathy.

as you increase your ability to Flow through Traffic, most Onlookers and Bystanders will call you Crazy, or Insane, or something similar to that. But when you are In Tha Zone, you will not care the slightest bit.

just make sure to steadily upgrade your Vehicle (your mind) only push your limit's just a little bit at a time, and you will Be Flowing Smoothly and Ecstatically Through Life in No Time. Happy Cycling!

Friday, December 16

Thoughts On Swedish Society / Social Experiment in Population Control

I moved to Sweden from the U.S.A in October '97. my first priority was to learn the swedish language and then get a job. since it was mostly up to me and my efforts, i speak fluent swedish. the getting a job thing didn't go as well. but that's not just because i'm an immigrant. it's also because i have a sense of morals that are hard to reconcile with most jobs in the current economic structure (but that's another story).

anyway i used to collect "social bidrag" (welfare) for a few years, and my early trips to the social service offices got me thinking and asking questions. i was told by swedes that the swede's on welfare used to live very well, sometimes even better than people that worked. by the time i got here, welfare had been reduced to a level where the recipient can barely afford to live, according to swedish standards of living.  however it was still quite possible to get welfare for most who asked for help. now in 2011 it is much harder for people to get help and the homeless population along with child poverty due to poor families is increasing.

in 97 i predicted that the swedish government would follow the U.S. pattern of cutting back on social services and that the poor population would increase and be increasingly stuck in poverty. this is now happening. i predicted this based on information about the increasing influx if refugees and immigrants.
i did not think that people born in other countries are a problem for sweden on a pure logistics level. in the 60's and 70's, sweden asked and invited people from other countries to move here in the because they didn't have enough workers. But most of these foreign Workers blended in adopted and adapted to swedish culture.

But in the 1990's Sweden had a mostly homogenous (at least in appearance and feel) population up until the mass influx of refugees from the former Yugoslavia due to the war. at this point the welfare system began to change and become less generous. this i thought was due to Swedish born citizens being less willing to share their wealth with people that they did not relate to or feel any brotherhood/sisterhood with. as refugees continued to poor in to this country now also from african and middle eastern countries as well, i figure that the People of sweden would start to feel less and less generous.

my supposition is somewhat true of some swedes. but in effect swedish attitudes and immigration is in itself actually not the cause of the current increase in poverty and lack of social services in sweden.

i believe that no "first world" governments are actually run by democracy. i believe that all the governments of the wealthiest countries in the world are in fact secretly run as dictatorships through sophisticated manipulation of consciousness and thought, by a cartel of international bankers, corporations, and top level secret society members (gangsters). this post is not to debate the last sentence. it is taken as truth by those that this post is intended for. if you don't agree than you should probably stop reading here and go update your knowledge of world history and current events.

i have not researched this next claim thoroughly (probably some of you still reading have). i seem to remember hearing or reading somewhere that Sweden and Canada (which has a similar welfare system) are social experiments orchestrated by the illuminati. since i have heard this i have kind of been wondering why these too areas where picked for this experiment and what this experiment was supposed to accomplish. the experiment being, that everyone in these two countries has been guaranteed a relatively high standard of living during a period time (this time is over, at least in sweden).

i thought why would "the powers that be" do this when they control most of the rest of the world through fear, poverty and competition. then i remembered a thought i myself had at another time.

"those who do not have any problems do not ask any questions."

so this morning i realized that the decline in social services in this country are not due to the shifting attitudes of swedes away from "Social Democracy". swedes like americans and other world citizens are actually under mass mind control of illuminati controlled schools and media, and businesses. so how they have of course not decided to make the shift away from social service. the shift in swedish consciousness is of course do to a shift in direction of the plan for Sweden.

Here's my current theory:

because of the influx of people from other countries who have been under a different type of mind control based on trauma, the mix of trauma based mental states along with a new level/standard of comfortable living would result in a mixing of ideas and a new level of question asking and awareness.
question asking and protest is usually best carried out by within a mix of the privileged and the financially poor and usually by people that themselves are somewhere in between.

of course swedes during their most "equality" based era of existence were also control by fear (and false pride). this fear was based on the suffering of people in other countries and a total ignorance about the 'causes of this suffering.

also last night (this is very interesting) i watched a documentary that claimed the Vikings to be decended of Hebrew/Egyptian Royalty i.e. Joseph and Moses and the hebrew tribe of Dan. this is very interesting because it draws up many other questions. one being where do the different shades of skin color come from and when where  and wow did these changes come about. why are modern "Jews" and Zionists" a very lite brown ("white/caucasion") instead of a darker brown (middle eastern and african)? i have always assumed that the jews mentioned in the bible were of a dark complexion based on the locations of the stories taking place.

now i'm off to research the reason for differences in skin pigmentation.

P.S. usually i am very confident in what i write. but this post feels very incomplete and questionable in several areas to myself. so i would love to have input and even correction from those who have somekind of check on world and swedish events. its just a sudden reflection that i want to discuss.

Saturday, December 10

U-N-I together equals 1 (thoughts on racism, and anti-racism)

Today in Stockholm Nazies and Anti-Nazi's will be marching en mass through the streets.
here are some of my thoughts that these events inspire me to share:

First, according to our current understanding of history and science, here are a few Facts.

1. The Family Tree of Every Human on Earth has it's Root(s) in the continent Commonly known as Afrika...
the three major world religions and the "story of creation" also agree with evolution in terms of Geographical Location of the Original Human(s)

2. All Human Skin (except albino) is actually a shade of brown depending on melanin content. (ask anyone who works with paints and pigments)
just think about it for awhile. what do words like Black and White really have to do with the reality of Human Color. Where, When and WHY did these Words come into Use as a description of  Human Beings?

3. With DNA alone a persons "Race" Cannot be identified (circa 1999-2000) (this is view is currently in flux). there are some nuances to this one. and also some new evidence and debates about this. research it if you like.

4. The Financial Wealth of Western Europe and Northern America is Mostly if not Entirely Due to The Colonization, Enslavement and Murder of "Indigenous" people around the world. and the Continued Theft of The Natural Resources of the Lands of "Indigenous" people.
this makes it kind of hard for Western Europeans and North American's to rightfully complain about immigrants on any level.  if it wasn't for said "acts of war",  europeans  might still be a mostly Nomadic (read migrating-immigrants)  people struggling for Basic Survival. at some point most or all of us  come from immigrants.

i do not write this to point blame or foster guilt, simply to dispel illusions of entitlement.

The 4th point also does not bring any conclusions about morality based on a persons shade of skin. History Shows that "Asian" and "Afrika" have also had their periods of "World Domination at all Costs"

so now that everyone has had their turn at Tyranny, maybe it's time for a New Social Paradigm.

Okay, there you have some Key Arguments To Counter Any Racist Nonsense With if You Like. But what about Real Solutions? We need some serious Humble Understanding and Ego Checking.

Can Hate ever Be overcome by Hate? in other words. is Calling Nazi's "stupid" and telling them they are not wanted, going to help them to see the errors in their thinking? they already feel alienated. that's why they are marching in the first place.

I propose to all "Anti-Racists", no matter which group or groups (black, white, inbetween, other) you would commonly be identified with, Here are some More Result Oriented (as opposed to Reactionary) ideas to think about.

I do not believe that people are inherently Evil Or Good. i believe that all people want and need the same basic things:
Spiritually, We want to feel Loved and Socially Accepted, and We want to Feel like we have A Purpose or a Meaning to our Personal Existence.
Physically, We want to Eat, Drink, Stay Warm and Dry (most of the time).  Be Comfortable and Feel Secure in our Ability to Maintain or Increase our current States of Comfort.

all Negative Aggression (applies to every and anyone) comes down to previous Mistreatment and/or Mis-Education.
if you agree with this statement. Then what is the Solution to Racism and Inequality?

Indeed the Only Longterm Effective Way to End Racism and Inequality is to Treat Both "Racists (outspoken or not) and "victims" of Racism with Love and Understanding and Gently Guide them to More Enlightened States of Mind.

Me for Example. if i was really worried about Nazi's (which i'm not), i would Invite one or some to my house for Dinner and Friendly Discussion. or i would use some other act of "good will" to invite an open and friendly discussion.

Me for Example. if i was really Concerned about the Well-Being of All People (which i am), i would not waste time "Protesting" those who i perceive to be the "enemy" or "abusers". I would instead do something much more effective. Be Kind and Helpful to everyone  as much as your Personal Development and Energies Allow.

Society is currently Structurally Based on Competition,  which takin' to an extreme, which it inevitable must be if  not reversed, ends in War, Theft, Death, and Destruction. We can Simply Share instead, there is more than enough of everything we humans need to go around several times.

in closing, if you really want to strike a blow against injustice and inequality, Help a Brother (Me) Get a Good Job!
i am not afraid to say that i will not appreciate any job offers or help to get any work that does not Agree with my Obvious High Level of intelligence and Moral Sensibilities.
Unless of Course you can honestly not help me to something better and you still want to help. Get At Me...

or buy my cd's or mp3's or something. i just want a way to comfortably provide for myself and my kids like everyone one else. and preferable with a Clean Conscious (whew, that's the real challenge).

May Whatever God You Believe in Bring you Peace an Blessings.


Ps. one more thing, this one Fact really deserves a post of its own. Racism is really just a Divide and conquer scheme. even the fight between "racists" and "anti-racists" is a divide and conquer scheme. research that. but whatever you find out,
don't bother getting or staying mad. just get over it and set about healing yourselves and your communities with love and and understanding.

Thursday, September 29

My Inner Child Knows Everything

Your highest wisdom is wrapped up in your Innocence. as i write this i am reminded of a show i was fond of as a child, Mork & Mindy.

It was about an easygoing alien (Mork) who was sent to earth and became roomates with a girl (Mindy) who tried to help him get accustomed to earth.

one part of the show that i did not understand was that Orkans (morks race) aged backwards. they were born in adult bodies and the became shorter and younger looking as they aged. i just realized the possible thought process behind this part of the story line. 

When we get old enough we will realize tha truth of the first sentence in this post. Youthfulness is next to Godliness.