I moved to Sweden from the U.S.A in October '97. my first priority was to learn the swedish language and then get a job. since it was mostly up to me and my efforts, i speak fluent swedish. the getting a job thing didn't go as well. but that's not just because i'm an immigrant. it's also because i have a sense of morals that are hard to reconcile with most jobs in the current economic structure (but that's another story).
anyway i used to collect "social bidrag" (welfare) for a few years, and my early trips to the social service offices got me thinking and asking questions. i was told by swedes that the swede's on welfare used to live very well, sometimes even better than people that worked. by the time i got here, welfare had been reduced to a level where the recipient can barely afford to live, according to swedish standards of living. however it was still quite possible to get welfare for most who asked for help. now in 2011 it is much harder for people to get help and the homeless population along with child poverty due to poor families is increasing.
in 97 i predicted that the swedish government would follow the U.S. pattern of cutting back on social services and that the poor population would increase and be increasingly stuck in poverty. this is now happening. i predicted this based on information about the increasing influx if refugees and immigrants.
i did not think that people born in other countries are a problem for sweden on a pure logistics level. in the 60's and 70's, sweden asked and invited people from other countries to move here in the because they didn't have enough workers. But most of these foreign Workers blended in adopted and adapted to swedish culture.
But in the 1990's Sweden had a mostly homogenous (at least in appearance and feel) population up until the mass influx of refugees from the former Yugoslavia due to the war. at this point the welfare system began to change and become less generous. this i thought was due to Swedish born citizens being less willing to share their wealth with people that they did not relate to or feel any brotherhood/sisterhood with. as refugees continued to poor in to this country now also from african and middle eastern countries as well, i figure that the People of sweden would start to feel less and less generous.
my supposition is somewhat true of some swedes. but in effect swedish attitudes and immigration is in itself actually not the cause of the current increase in poverty and lack of social services in sweden.
i believe that no "first world" governments are actually run by democracy. i believe that all the governments of the wealthiest countries in the world are in fact secretly run as dictatorships through sophisticated manipulation of consciousness and thought, by a cartel of international bankers, corporations, and top level secret society members (gangsters). this post is not to debate the last sentence. it is taken as truth by those that this post is intended for. if you don't agree than you should probably stop reading here and go update your knowledge of world history and current events.
i have not researched this next claim thoroughly (probably some of you still reading have). i seem to remember hearing or reading somewhere that Sweden and Canada (which has a similar welfare system) are social experiments orchestrated by the illuminati. since i have heard this i have kind of been wondering why these too areas where picked for this experiment and what this experiment was supposed to accomplish. the experiment being, that everyone in these two countries has been guaranteed a relatively high standard of living during a period time (this time is over, at least in sweden).
i thought why would "the powers that be" do this when they control most of the rest of the world through fear, poverty and competition. then i remembered a thought i myself had at another time.
"those who do not have any problems do not ask any questions."
so this morning i realized that the decline in social services in this country are not due to the shifting attitudes of swedes away from "Social Democracy". swedes like americans and other world citizens are actually under mass mind control of illuminati controlled schools and media, and businesses. so how they have of course not decided to make the shift away from social service. the shift in swedish consciousness is of course do to a shift in direction of the plan for Sweden.
Here's my current theory:
because of the influx of people from other countries who have been under a different type of mind control based on trauma, the mix of trauma based mental states along with a new level/standard of comfortable living would result in a mixing of ideas and a new level of question asking and awareness.
question asking and protest is usually best carried out by within a mix of the privileged and the financially poor and usually by people that themselves are somewhere in between.
of course swedes during their most "equality" based era of existence were also control by fear (and false pride). this fear was based on the suffering of people in other countries and a total ignorance about the 'causes of this suffering.
also last night (this is very interesting) i watched a documentary that claimed the Vikings to be decended of Hebrew/Egyptian Royalty i.e. Joseph and Moses and the hebrew tribe of Dan. this is very interesting because it draws up many other questions. one being where do the different shades of skin color come from and when where and wow did these changes come about. why are modern "Jews" and Zionists" a very lite brown ("white/caucasion") instead of a darker brown (middle eastern and african)? i have always assumed that the jews mentioned in the bible were of a dark complexion based on the locations of the stories taking place.
now i'm off to research the reason for differences in skin pigmentation.
P.S. usually i am very confident in what i write. but this post feels very incomplete and questionable in several areas to myself. so i would love to have input and even correction from those who have somekind of check on world and swedish events. its just a sudden reflection that i want to discuss.
II chronicles in the bible has an interesting story about king asa...then theres the trojan war the founding of rome ie romulus and remus ...the etruscans ...the scythians/scandinavians...egypt had a phoenecian queen named scotia..the real problem is that the illiminiti jesuits wrote history....
ReplyDeletethe right track ...all these things are in the bible ...how to tend to your flock....conquer land ...& distribute the booty to those ready to conform.... the treatment of slaves in religion...the migating of people and what people migrate..where and for what reasons ...what was a polis ...what qualifies as a citizen..there are nuff ends to tie up your theory i think...@@