Friday, July 16

i didnt ask for the spotligt. i just wanna live. that takes currency, and words are what i have ta give.

i do not have any desire to be famous. i would much rather be rich and anonymous like them cats in tha bilderberg group. but to be rich and anonymous you need to come from old money.

i should come from old money, but many of my ancestors were robbed, so that is not the case. when i say robbed i'm not just talking about way back in africa either. i'm talking about as close as my moms father and even more recent than that.

in the example of my grandfather (morfar) he designed a communication System for NASA. he was an IT specialist way before Personal Computers existed.
anyway, being that he had darker skin than me, in times previous to the Civil Rights movement, he was not given any credit for his very significant developements. his bosses put their names under all of his writings and inventions. kinda of like the way Record Execs used to do to soul singers on the regular back then.

i should have been born Upper Middle Class at the very least. but enough about that.

being that i came up in somewhat modest and unstable circumstances, i am forced to entertain if i am to achieve a comfortable existence for myself and my offspring.

Basically i'm trying to get mine in this world. and to do that. i'm gonna share everything about me with you. stay tuned, you are likely to be fascinated

btw. i have written a number of interesting things on my myspace blog in tha past. so don't for get to check their if you'd like to dig into some of my past writings. also you might want to check my page and go into my "Notes" to see more of my past Musings.

oh yeah. according to my Grandfather (morfar) i am related to a famous "Sell out". the book below was written about my great great uncle (or something like that).

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